text: ebba Lundberg
Foto: Patrik Hagborg & Rasmus Motten Wernerby
The holidays often disrupt our routines with late nights, less time for exercise, and more unhealthy habits, such as replacing water with wine every other day. These interruptions are essential for most people to recharge and find new energy and inspiration for the upcoming autumn. After weeks of relaxation and freedom, the inevitable Sunday arrives when, like it or not, it's time to pack your bags and prepare for the first day back at work.
While it can feel good to return to a regular routine, there may also be a reluctance urging us to keep sipping fine wine in the evenings and skip gym sessions in favour of boat rides or barbecue nights. We should certainly allow ourselves occasional enjoyment, especially in the wonderfully warm late summer. However, maintaining healthy habits can make autumn feel more manageable. No matter how you prefer to structure your daily life, here are some tips to help you find your way back to a sustainable routine.
It's all about finding balance in life and an approach that works for you. Perhaps you can adopt some of these tips to create a sustainable and well-functioning everyday life in the long run.
What is your best tip for getting back to a sustainable everyday life? Please share with us!
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