Text: Care of carl team
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Japan fan Staffan speaks about his personal style, which has changed over the years. It has moved between Italian styles for the Ivy League and nowadays-Japanese work wear. Over the years, the style has been refined and the eye for detail sharpened; from the hook fasteners on the deck jacket to the perfectly balanced soles.
We meet Staffan at home in his apartment in Stockholm, between business meetings and moving boxes.
Staffan has always had an interest in clothing. However, it all began with the Salomon rucksack that all of my classmates in primary school had. Then skateboarding and Nirvana became popular, just as the trend was for many others during the 90s when grunge had its heyday. During his teenage years, Staffan discovered the well-known brand Ralph Lauren and the Ivy League world - then his interest in clothes really began to take shape, marking Staffan's continued style journey.
– I became very interested in Alessandro Squarzi, who was an icon in Italian fashion industry. However, I also like the Frenchman Gauthier Borsarello who has a great sense for incredible clothing combinations. He is classic but still “breaks the rules”, says Staffan. Nevertheless, I'm also inspired by old men with big jackets and corduroy trousers.
However, Staffan draws most inspiration from Japan, he mentions how Japanese fashion magazines can function as fashion manuals when it comes to combining different garments. There he finds great inspiration. Among other things, he bought a pair of New Balance sneakers in Tokyo ten years ago, which remain close to his heart - it was also here that the Japanese-American interest began.
Jacket from Real McCoy’s
– I'm obsessed with jackets, maybe because I live in a country with a really cold climate. My khaki jacket with the alpaca collar is perfect. It is lined with wool and is warm as a radiator.
Are there any garments you regret purchasing?
– I bought a rugby shirt with different colours on the sleeves that looked cool on Drake's website - but not on me. Then I resold it. I might not experiment as much as I used to, but it should be fun too, right?– Now I'm looking for a pair of military pants with suspenders that the Americans had in the 40s in durable fabrics. I look ahead to when I'm seventy years old and walking around in them.
Do you want us to take a deep dive into your wardrobe? Get in touch with us at: [email protected]
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