text: camilla åsedal
foto: Sease & Olof Händén
Environments with fresh winds and well-being inspire SEASE’s functional garments. The Italian brand, founded by brothers Giacomo and Franco Loro Piana, was established as a lifestyle brand with a focus on active clothing for skiing, sailing and golf. Their ambition is to create a collection that includes everything required to fulfil ones passion for life. High-tech garments in direct symbiosis with tailoring and durable, premium quality materials provides the perfect combination between elegance and function.
"With Sease we aim to continue our family heritage of quality and Italian elegance with a more contemporary and functional lifestyle"
- Franco & Giacomo Loro Piana
Dream yourself away to the fresh Alpine air or the salty seawater, in full harmony with nature, away from the stressful, concrete jungle. The brand name is a combination of the words SEA and EASE. The functional garments from SEASE maintain a rarely seen high level of style while being sustainably manufactured, respecting the planet.
With their holistic perspective and the connection to life, the sea and the land, SEASE choose to work with recycled materials from natural materials and from the sea.
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