Text: viktor gustafsson
foto: olof händén
Summer parties open up for light and breathable garments. Perhaps you are invited to an all-day party that starts in at midday when the sun is at its strongest, or to an event that starts later in the evening. What is too casual and relaxed? Should I avoid wearing socks? Blazer or suit? Below, we dive deep into summer party garments that give you a little extra.
A cream linen blazer will maintain a high degree of style, even when the sun is shining and you still have to keep the style level high. We choose a white, short-sleeved linen shirt with a pair of olive-coloured linen trousers. This model is slimmer and has a dressier fit. A pair of suede loafers will pair well here and can be advantageously worn without socks or with a pair of thinner socks.
If the location of the event is within the city walls, then opt for a midnight blue linen suit. It is breathable enough so that you do not feel hot, but gives a formal impression. Black loafers or derbys are always a safe bet. The main thing about this model of trousers is that they should not be too short, they should fall just above the shoe and carry on to the ankle. A pair of thin ribbed socks is preferable and the light blue linen shirt from Italy can also be worn with confidence without the blazer.
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