With the intention to provide quality style and inspiration in several dimensions, Care of Carl is now launching the Care of Carl Podcast. Listen wherever you are, whenever you have time, and let us all unite in our style community.
Text: Carl Magazine
There is an abundance of great men’s style podcasts out there. Why would you need another one? With the Care of Carl Podcast, we strive to give you straight forward, hands on advice that easily add direct value and practical use for improving your style and wardrobe.
What might make the Care of Carl Podcast somewhat different from other online audio publications, is that we strive to package our message in shorter, succinct episodes that do not require a considerable amount of time to take in. A wide variety of topics like from direct advice on how to buy a vintage watch online, to more clothing related subjects like how to care for your clothes or build a very usable wardrobe.
You might also wonder why you are reading these words in English? As the Care of Carl Community is expanding over an increasing amount of countries, we simply believe that the easiest way to come together in one united group and discussion, is to do it in English. With long experience from men's style and clothing-related matters, Care of Carls style advicer and creative writer Mikael Vallin will be your host.
Follow us and join our fledgling flight, as we take off into a world of improved style together, but most of all for some enjoyable, relaxing and inspiring moments to perhaps pick up new useful skills. Like everything we do, the Care of Carl Podcast would be nothing without all of you. We therefore invite you to suggest topics you would like us to address and talk about in the podcast, in the comments below. Let’s start an exciting journey, and add a new chapter to the Care of Carl history, together.
Listen to the latest episode