Text: Hugo Carlson
Foto: Matteo Bianchessi
If the beach and sun aren't enough, we liven it up even more with this holiday-inspired, colorful, and retro patterned t-shirt. Whether you're on a gray, overcast Scandinavian beach or the Caribbean island of Saint Barth, the combination of comfortable sandals and classic striped swim shorts is just right.
To quote our stylist: "Beach boys go wining with buddies" – with this combination, you can go straight from the beach to pizza and wine with friends. Swap your bleached, sunscreen-soaked t-shirt for a summery shirt, and leave the sandals at home in favor of a pair of comfortable boat shoes. The water bottle you finished earlier can be replaced with a bottle of wine in one of the compartments of your tote bag, and a cap with retro vibes can cover your beach hairstyle that didn’t have time to be fixed after a long day in the sun.
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